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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Weekend Update

Had a great weekend. Saturday was the Music City Romance Writers book signing in Lebanon, TN. Thanks to Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter fans, we had a great turnout. I sold several books to some Outlander fans who also turned out to be Farscapers. How cool is that? Got to talk about some of my favorite things.

The signing took place in Sherlocks, which bills itself as the largest independent bookseller in Tennessee. They did a wonderful job, very organized, and treated us like royalty. And it's quite a set up. They have a cafe which sells food--they fed us, and the chicken salad was terrific. They had lattes for the tweedy crowd and beer for the Joe Six-Packs. One of the owners is a model race car enthusiast, so there's a model shop in the store. I heard they'll be building a track in the parking lot for racing model cars this summer. But best of all, they have a screening room where they show classic movies. It rents out for parties, and I'm gonna figure out how to get a bunch of my friends over there for a movie night. Anyway, I forgot my camera, so I don't have pics, but if you want the full low-down, who was there, and all the trimmings, go to Jody Wallace's blog. She's got it all.

I spent Sunday afternoon playing at my latest obsession--mah jongg. I'm new the game, which is complex and takes skill, but not so much skill that you can't yak your way through it with your girlfriends. Which is half the fun anyway. I'm a bit obsessed. Taught my husband, daughter, and daughter's poor fiance to play last weekend. And all week I haunted e-bay, bidding up a set. There are so many and they can really be beautiful.

Didn't get the one I wanted, but I imagine I will. Eventually.

Tomorrow, I'm expecting the copy edit of One Deadly Sin, so it's back to work. But that's okay. I had a wonderfully relaxing weekend, so I'm ready.

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